Munnar to Alleppey distance, bus timing, taxi, travel time, bus price

            The road distance between Munnar to Alleppey ( alappuzha) is 4 h 55 min (175.7 km) via NH85 and NH 66. ,

How to travel Munnar to Alleppy,

  • Publick bus (7 Hrs)  - Visit bus timing
  • Privet taxi   (5 hrs)   - taxi rates; 4500/- for 4 Seater & 5500/- for 7 Seater Book now  

Things to do on the way,


Things to do

Bike rentel in Munnar

Start Time: 9am | End Time: 6pm

700 700

DTPC Munnar Sight seeing Tour

Start Time: 9am | End Time: 5pm

Sunrise Hiking tour in Munnar hills

Start Time: 4.30 AM | End Time: 10 AM

3500 3500