Thekkady To Munnar Bus time

            Bus Timings                                                                         Book your taxi now

Service Departure Arrival
Alphonsa (LS ) 06:00 am 11:00 am
Alphonsa (LS ) 07:30 am 12:30 pm
Kerala      (LS) 09:30 am 01:30 pm
KSRTC -Ordinary 12:00 pm 05:00 pm

All the buses are starting from Kumili bus station 

Book taxi now 

KSRTC Kymily Equiry Number : +91 04869224242

KSRTC Munnar Equiry Number : 04865-230201

Recommended stays in Munnar-?

Green Valley Vista Munnar  and Creek way Munnar Family villa ( Valley view balcony, in house restaurant, easy to get, with breakfast & Trekking and hiking tours -from 2800/- to 4500/-) , +919400043111

Things to do

Mountain Hiking Through Tea Plantation F

Start Time: 8:30 am | End Time: 4. PM

1700 1750

Nimis Lip Smacking Classes ( nimmys cook

Start Time: 2: 30 Pm | End Time: 7 PM

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Eravikulam National park entry ticket fo

Start Time: 7.AM | End Time: 2 PM

598 600