Munnar to Ellapatti bus timing
Service | Departure | Arrival |
FSLS | 05:50am | 06:50 am |
Super Fast | 07:20am | 08:20am |
Super Fast | 09:00am | 10:10am |
Super Fast |
10:00am 02:40pm |
11:00am |
All the buses are starting from Munnar KSRTC Bus station
KSRTC Munnar Equiry Number : 04865-
Book taxi now - Call -+919495426282
Recommended stays in Munnar-
Green Valley Vista Munnar and Creek way Munnar Family villa ( Valley view balcony, in house restaurant, easy to get, with breakfast & Trekking and hiking tours -from 2800/- to 4500/-) , By phone :+919400043111